Longshore & Harbor Worker's Compensation Act - Online
Did you know the Longshore & Harbor Worker's Compensation Act applies to your business if you perform work around "navigable" waterways?
January 22nd 3:00 -4:30 PM
Do I need special insurance to work around navigable waterways?
You will learn:
- Details of the Longshore & Harbor Worker's Compensation Act
- Why special insurance is needed for navigable waterways
- Consequences of not having the appropriate insurance coverage
- SBA contact information to confirm if your firm is subject to the Longshore & Harbor Worker's Compensation Act
- Where to find surety companies to purchase insurance policies
Your instructor for this class is Terry Homburg, a retired federal Contracting Officer with 29 years of experience. He shares real life examples of what works and what does not work in government contracting. You’ll get an opportunity to ask your detailed questions and get answers.
No Fee
Lisa Lagerstrom (360) 701-9410
Zoom link provided after registration