Kitsap’s idyllic setting and close proximity to the metro Seattle area makes Tourism one of Kitsap County’s top economic drivers. Here are a few reasons why tourists love Kitsap and why so many mainlander’s make Kitsap their weekend home.
- Easy access – a scenic 30-60 minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle on multiple ferry routes! (Riding Washington’s ferry system is one of Washington State’s top tourist activities!) Sunny summers, numerous marinas and 270-miles of pristine saltwater shoreline make Kitsap one of the world’s best destinations for kayaking, sailing and fishing.
- The Gateway to the Olympic Peninsula, Kitsap and the Olympics are offer endless opportunities for hiking, backpacking, camping and horseback riding
- Rich and varied cultural history: Poulsbo (Little Norway) celebrates it’s Norwegian heritage with numerous festivals throughout the year, and Kitsap’s native tribes celebrate and their culture with annual events including Chief Seattle Days and the Tribal Canoe Journey
- Picturesque towns with walkable, active, and enticing main street shopping districts, each with an active and engaging arts community offers art walks and studio tours, a wide variety of galleries, local and regional theater, and summer arts and crafts shows
- Award-winning micro breweries, wineries and distilleries draw locals and tourists and visitors and friends enjoy libations directly from the people who craft them
- Locally-owned shops, pubs, coffee shops, bakeries, and restaurants
- Resort and conference centers and casinos with breathtaking water views and scenery, and the capacity to accommodate groups from 10 to 4,300
- Destination-worthy wedding venues with natural surroundings so beautiful they make every wedding picture perfect!
- Beautiful award winning golf courses attract national and regional tournaments
- First class museums that offer something for everyone – art lovers, children, and history buffs. (The Naval Undersea Museum is the only one of its kind in the US.)
- World famous botanical gardens and nurseries attract garden enthusiasts
- Friendly and welcoming residents who welcome the opportunity to share their love for the place that they live!
- Kitsap offers a variety of activities for all ages … come see us today
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