City of Bremerton Virtual Open House: Broadband, Internet and Cable Communications

City of Bremerton Virtual Open House: Broadband, Internet and Cable Communications Main Photo

17 Feb 2022

Technology, Internet

City of Bremerton Virtual Open House! 


Broadband, Internet and Cable communications services for the City of Bremerton (“City”) community are continually evolving and are changing and expanding even more rapidly because of changes in technology and the service provider climate. This evolution has sparked many questions for our community:

  • What is the current level of access to these services in Bremerton? 
  • Will changes in the communications marketplace provide new and improved services for City residents, businesses and organizations, and at what cost? 
  • What are the future broadband, internet and cable-related needs of the Bremerton community? 
  • How might broadband, internet and cable providers help meet these needs?

The City needs your help in answering these questions. We are currently performing a Needs and Interest Ascertainment targeted at a wide variety of Communities of Interest within the City. To further this Ascertainment, the City has scheduled a Virtual Open House for the general public. You can be a part of shaping the future of broadband, internet and cable television in Bremerton by participating in the following:

Broadband, Internet and Cable Communications Virtual Open House
February 24, 2022
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m
Please click here for the Zoom meeting details.

Experts in the broadband, internet, cable television and telecommunications fields will be on hand to discuss the future of these services and how they could affect you and our community. Meeting facilitators will answer questions and take a wealth of comments from participants. The discussions will center on a wide range of topics such as current and future service needs (greater access to broadband; local cable television and video streaming programming options; more portable and mobile communications; provision of expanded residential and business services and applications; etc.) and opportunities for participation in the Community Needs Ascertainment process (online surveys, which will also be available in a paper format; focus groups; additional open houses; etc.).

Advances in broadband, internet and cable communications systems and services have the power, among other things, to enhance our ability to communicate, increase outreach and provide educational opportunities for all of the residents of Bremerton, expand economic and organizational development and provide more diverse data, video and other services. As a participant in the Virtual Open House, you will help the City greatly in determining where it should focus its efforts to help meet your needs and the City’s needs.

Please visit the project webpage for further information.

Meeting accommodations and study materials will be made available upon request. For more information, please contact Melinda Monroe at (360) 473-5306 or by e-mail to