Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grants – Funding the development of regional cluster acceleration strategies and manufacturing growth

26 Jan 2023
Grants, manufacturing
NEW! FAQs for Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grant just added
The Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grants program, administered by Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce), aims to increase the number of manufacturing and research and development jobs in Washington State. Our overarching goal is to accelerate innovation and help create jobs in every region of the state. This particular grant program, with a total of $2 million in funds, is specifically designed to support the development of regional cluster acceleration strategies by fostering an environment of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Individual businesses and industrial innovation cluster organizations (also referred to as “innovation clusters” or “clusters” in this document and in the application forms) are eligible to apply for funding. Applicants are eligible for awards of $200,000 to $400,000.
The Department of Commerce will determine the total amount of each grant, and will award up to 10 grants total. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate the availability of matching funds or capital investment to implement any proposed development work or expansions from projects funded by grant awards.
For more information – including more detailed accounts of eligibility and the application process, please view the program overview.
Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grants – Program Overview (Word)
There are two application types available for this program: one form designated for individual businesses, and a second form designated for innovation cluster organizations. For the purposes of this program, a cluster is defined as an existing innovation cluster under Commerce’s Innovation Cluster Accelerator or an entity that is proposing a cluster-related program or project. For more information on innovation clusters, see What is a cluster? – Washington State Innovation Cluster Accelerator (ICAPWashingtonState.org).
Please read and review all materials pertaining to this program if you are considering applying.
Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grants – Company Application Form (Word)
Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grants – Cluster Application Form (Word)
Applicants are encouraged to contact their local economic development partner, also known as an Associate Development Organizations to seek support for their application.
For Kitsap County businesses contact James Davis, Economic Development Manager for KEDA
Outside of Kitsap County click here to find the local ADO responsible for your area.
For additional questions regarding this program, please contact the program manager.
Business Development
Phone: 206-256-6114
2001 6th Avenue, Suite 2600, Seattle, WA 98101
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