Apply now for 2024 Microbusiness Accelerator! Closes Feb 28th

21 Feb 2024
entrepreneurs, microenterprise, Business Development, Business Training
KEDA is thrilled to announce that our application to the 2024 Washington State Microbusiness Accelerator grant program has been approved!
This funding supports the return of Matchstick Labs 2024 Microbusiness Accelerator! The program is specifically crafted to accelerate the entrepreneurial endeavors of small business owners who have powerful new business ideas. Turn-around time for grant applications is very brief with applications being accepted now through February 28th.
The program is open to all current and aspiring business owners and will be divided into three key parts:
Microbusiness Accelerator Cohort:
• highly personalized technical assistance
• one-on-one and small group business coaching
• access to a series of professional training workshops
• marketing assets, including professional headshots
• a supportive peer community
A maximum of fourteen current or aspiring startup founders and small business owners will be admitted to this year’s micro-business accelerator cohort. Follow-on opportunities may include capital, talent development, and storytelling resources.
Applications are currently being accepted through midnight Wednesday, February 28th. Entrepreneurs who have traditionally been excluded from business ownership opportunities and resources are especially encouraged to apply, including those who identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), people with disabilities, veterans, women, LGBTQ+ people, and returning citizens.
For more information, and to apply, go to:
Lightening Talk Presentations:
Real talk, from real people in the trenches. Free monthly lunchtime panel discussions guaranteed to spark new ideas, conversations, and collaborations. This is an excellent opportunity for small and Microbusinesses to explore tangible topics and connect with other entrepreneurs.
Small Business Workshops:
The Matchstick Labs will host two workshops that take a deeper, interactive dive into the concepts of Storytelling and Speaking Mastery and Credit Smarts for Business Owners. Open to the public and presented as an interactive workshop, these sessions provide critical insight into arguably two of the most important factors to success.
“At Vibe, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship and bold new ideas to build stronger, healthier, more equitable communities,” said Vibe Coworks Founder, Alanna Imbach.
“As a community bank that is committed to growing our local economy and supporting entrepreneurs, Kitsap Bank is proud to partner with Vibe Coworks on this innovative program,” stated Kitsap Bank President and Chief Operating Officer, Tony George. “Through Matchstick Lab, entrepreneurs have access to a business ecosystem that supports the growth of innovation right here in our backyard.”
Visit for more information on programmatic dates and times.

Funding for the Matchstick Lab micro-business accelerator cohort has been provided by the Washington State Microenterprise Association (WSMA), through a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce secured by the Kitsap Economic Development Alliance, facilitated by Vibe Coworks in collaboration with KCR’s BE$T and community partners including, Washington SBDC, Kitsap Bank.
The program complements a growing number of available resources in support of local entrepreneurs, including: the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Greater Kitsap Chamber Growing Greater Businesses Grant, Kitsap Community Resources BE$T program, PNW Mission Acceleration Center, Western Washington University Small Business Development Center, WTIA Startup Series at Vibe Coworks, and more.
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KEDA Wins WSMA Microbusiness Grant funding to support Matchstick Lab Microbusiness Accelerator program
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