Kitsap County Planning Commission Makes Recommendation on Comprehensive Plan Update

18 Oct 2024
Economy, Comprehensive Plan
PORT ORCHARD, WA —After a two-year-long public discussion of future growth and Kitsap’s future through 2044, the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan Update is nearing a conclusion. After receiving public testimony on Sept. 24, the Kitsap County Planning Commission has made a recommendation regarding updates to the Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan and Development Regulations. This recommendation is based on the draft documents released on Aug. 30, 2024, and amended as shown in their Findings of Fact.
The amendments proposed by the Planning Commission considered public comments and adjusted tree canopy requirements, removed additional boundary line adjustment regulations, and made other changes.
Their recommendation will now go before the Board of Commissioners at a public hearing on Oct. 28 at 5:30 p.m. at the Kitsap County Administration Building’s, Commissioner Chambers (619 Division St., Port Orchard) or via the Zoom virtual meeting platform. This may be the final opportunity for the public to provide written and oral testimony on the draft documents and the Planning Commission recommended amendments prior to adoption in December.
Please provide written comments on the draft documents and Planning Commission recommendation to or mail them to Kitsap County Department of Community Development, Comprehensive Plan Update, 614 Division St. MS-36, Port Orchard, WA 98366 no later than 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 28.
For all information regarding the update including draft documents, plan maps, analysis, schedule, and videos of past presentations, please visit the project website or email
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