Biz Opps: City of Bremerton - Systemic Pedestrian Treatments- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons

18 May 2022
Biz Opps, Government Contracting, Construction
PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES: Systemic Pedestrian Treatments- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
CLOSING DATE/TIME: 6/8/2022 3:00 PM
View on City of Bremerton website
The work performed by the CONSULTANT consists of preparing engineering, contract documents and plans for improvement of pedestrian and roadway facilities for a single project. Design work for the project will commence in August 2022 and should be completed by February 2023. For continuity of the project, the firm chosen for Design may be contracted for Bid Support and/or Construction Management Services for the project, at the City of Bremerton’s discretion. Construction of the project is scheduled in 2023.
The Systemic Pedestrian Treatments- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons Project consists of the installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons, appropriate thermoplastic marked crosswalks, and ADA curb ramps at 8 high risk locations within the City.
This is a federally funded project and has a mandatory 0% DBE goal for the Preliminary Engineering phase.
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