$10.8m in funding available for developing affordable housing projects
27 Jan 2023
Housing, Funding Opportunity
For those seeking federal capital funding for new multifamily/rental housing projects
The Department of Commerce is happy to announce a new solicitation for projects seeking capital funding to develop affordable housing in Washington State.
Applications will be considered for Multifamily/Rental housing projects seeking capital financing from the federal HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) and National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) programs.
Applications are due to the Department of Commerce by NOON on March 22, 2023.
Please download and carefully review the 2023 HOME & NHTF Notice of Funding Availability (“NOFA”), available here, for specific information regarding funding requirements and priorities, the process for applying, and dates of significance. Please note that several NOFAs are published on our website concurrently. This is NOFA #MHU-2023-01.
We anticipate making award announcements in May of 2023.
The 2023 HOME & NHTF NOFA is intended for applicants seeking to build new affordable housing units that will increase the affordable housing stock in Washington.
Training videos are available to help complete an application with Commerce’s Multifamily Housing Finance program. Please visit the HTF Resources & Trainings webpage to access the videos.
If you have questions regarding this announcement or the NOFA, submit them to htfapp@commerce.wa.gov before the technical assistance period ends on March 15, 2023. Please be certain to indicate in the subject line of your email that your question is related to the 2023 HOME & NHTF NOFA #MHU-2023-01.